Advocating for dairy owners across New Zealand.

About the Dairy and Business Owners Group Inc.

Our Purpose

We are a nationwide community of dairy business owners.

We represent the interests of thousands of Kiwis who own and run dairies in every community.

Most of use are family businesses, operating for many years. We’re community people. We have a stake in New Zealand’s communities being safe, resilient, and thriving.

Our role is to protect and advocate for dairies so that Kiwis have choice and convenience for the goods they buy. We want dairies to be safe and prosperous.

Our Objectives

To become a powerful collective voice for New Zealand’s dairies.

To make it convenient for Kiwis to find and shop within our dairies.

To create a policy environment, locally and centrally, where dairies can grow and prosper.

To represent the interests of dairies to local and central government.

To deliver value adding-services and support for future members.

To set professional standards.

To provide future members a means to exchange business ideas and mutual assistance.